40 W. 3rd

Columbus, Ohio


Borror Properties


Borror Construction Co.


Jezerinac Geers


Interior Design

Civil Engineer

American Structurepoint

Located in the heart of the Short North Arts and Entertainment District, 40 West Third provided 16 new market-rate dwelling units; a combination of townhomes with attached garage and garden style apartments. The existing site served as a former funeral home and had an attached single story structure that was demolished to make way for the apartments. The existing building that remained on the site was refurbished to be used as office space.

Bound on the north and east side by alley access restricted the possibility of green space. The design allowed for nearly 40’ of greenspace along West Third Avenue on the south façade of the building. Additional pedestrian connectivity was provided between the rear access parking and the street frontage along the west side of the property between the new building and the existing structure. Additional landscaping and site improvements were completed as part of the project to re-develop the existing site as an improved asset to the community and adjacent neighbors.


George Berardi

George Berardi

President and CEO


Berardi Columbus
1398 Goodale Blvd Columbus, Ohio 43212
P 614.221.1110
E lhouk@berardipartners.com

668 Euclid Avenue, Suite 9 Cleveland, Ohio 44115
P 614.832.7141
E jberardi@berardipartners.com

607 Shelby Street, Suite 706 Detroit, Michigan 48226

P 248.514.0253
E bcook@berardipartners.com

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